• Announcements

    Rainout today 10/13

    Sorry everyone, rain & drizzle all day leaving no time for us to dry track. Colder, 48. Good news- long range forcast for next Sunday, our last race day- 70 & no rain – good chance to get your series points up to max! More details & sign up for banquet on Nov 16 coming shortly. Over winter, hoping to get a GVKC race series going at IndyKart. Email your interest to geneseevalleymc@gmail.com. See everyone for our last race of season next Sunday!

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    Racing ON for today, 10/6

    Weather for Avon still looking OK this morning- Sunny til noon, then cloudy, rain system rolling in around 5, should have plenty of time for race. See you at our races!

  • Announcements

    Good enough weather update

    Weather for Avon still looking OK for tomorrow- Sunny til noon, then cloudy, rain system rolling in around 4-5, should have plenty of time for race. If this changes, I’ll post at 7AM tomorrow as usual. See…

  • Announcements


    OCT 12 will be OPEN PRACTICE, week from this Sat. Karts & Bikes. Originally sheduled as special event, it was cancelled. This weekend weather looking good so far. Sat great. Sunday may want to keep moving as…

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    Sunday 8/18 Update

    Racing is on! People here & want to race. Will speed up process as people want in case rain later. Still half price (like practice) Come on down!

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    Decision Sunday 8/18

    Good ideas from several, much thanks! Track just damp, any puddles can be pushed away. Combining ideas: If enough show up, we can try an early round of one practice & try an early start to heats.…

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    What should we do today 8/18?

    PM looks risky with scattered thunderstorms at Avon in PM. Morning just cloudy, track drying from downpour yesterday. Hate to have people show up & possibly not be able to run in PM, but maybe could get…

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    Open practice today. Avon: Cloudy til 1, then partly cloudy/sunny chance of isolated rain 1-2.  Then partly cloudy/sunny til 5. Arrive early for best chance of max track time. Track dry now & we can dry if…