Place: IndyKart, Henrietta, Large Meeting Room
located between 2 outside entrances
Reviving a tradition!
Discussions & opinions on issues relevant to upcoming 2025 season & enroll 2025 members.
11 AM to 2 PM:
2025 Membership Registration
Optional Indykart racing.
Cards & phones preferred as usual, cash ok but honestly harder for bookkeeping.
2 to 4 PM
2025 GVKC Member Meeting
4 to 6 PM
Optional Indykart racing
Please reply to your email notification : “Attending” or “Unable but sending payment”
If you can’t attend, please send check to arrive by 2/22 to Genesee Valley Motorsports Complex, LLC
1034 Floodman Rd Palmyra NY 14522
PRICES: remain the same as 2024
Membership: $120
Spouse: $60
Minor $60
2025 GVKC Member Meeting
This will be a chance for 2025 members to bring up topics for discussion, nominate, vote on, or express their interest in volunteering for responsibilities critical to race & facility operations. (“Official”, “Liaison”, “Coordinator”, “Director”, “Class Liaison”, other possible titles).
For instance, Patrick Williams has been an outstanding coordinator with our race bike practice community on Saturdays, & officially now the Track Bike Liaison.
You may want to run the IndyKart track between 11-2 &/or 4-6, especially if you haven’t already done so. You can join public races, or if enough interested, we may be able to set up an actual race with practice, heats & feature. Quite challenging, similar to running a 4 stroke at Avon & a great way to get through the winter blues! And gain or maintain skills that are directly applicable to outdoor racing. Check in for GVKC Membership first please.
- Some changes/additions in 2025 NKA rulebook that just came out as well as explaining how the document is organized for those desiring to read it.
- Wristbands: Explanation of the purpose of that wristband & why its so important even during a small practice day.
- Merch: We do expect to be able to sell once our NYS sales tax certificate comes through. Your ideas welcome!
- Logos: A new logo has been painstakingly created by a member & will be shown at meeting. Any previous logos can & will continue to be ordered & used too. No existing signs will be changed (except updating contact info) as they’re a part of our history. But we can certainly add additional ones!
- Prorated memberships for those joining later.
- Bike memberships, details to be worked out with our biking friends.
- 3 Practice days before racing rule- eliminated. A track official may certify a member to race when capability is determined. This takes into account drivers with previous experience, out of town visiting drivers, fast learners & those that may take a bit longer to learn the ropes.
- Cooperative Agreement with Kelly’s: Most Kelly’s racing dates on Saturdays, Sundays welcome to race at GVKC. From their schedule & a draft of ours, it even looks like a series points schedule would make it possible to compete for Trophy’s at both tracks. To be fair to all, a membership at GVKC would be required for eligibility for trophy, but the price pretty much evens out. Of course anyone from Kelly’s is welcome to race at GVKC anytime.
- Series points: No spreadsheet as last year. Spreadsheet subject to human input error, even after double checking. Appreciate your understanding & coming forward last season with corrections since we knew there would be errors we might have missed. And appreciate your patience as we continue to learn how to get results out to the web. Series points can be calculated on the Orbits timing software & we’ve been self educating ourselves over the winter.
- Course variation rotation: same or change? Final schedule to be released after 2025 membership input from this meeting.
- Attendance required for trophy
- Should Race Schedule season be divided into 2 or more series?
- For instance: spring-summer series, fall series. School starting after summer has been mentioned by several members.
- Reverse Course. Some would like to see it more frequently, some not. We believe some who didn’t attend it last year were unaware of the safety barriers change that were made.
- One way headphones– One way, race director to driver only. Required at most other types of racetracks & has been implemented at some kart tracks. About $100. Management will not make this decision. Drivers, parents & track officials please be involved in this discussion.
- Invitation by Kelly’s for 2 day weekend: July 12 & 13, Sat Kelly’s, Sun GVKC. Interest, points, costs, etc to be discussed.
We don’t want to make these decisions unilaterally- 2025 members & established specialists will help determine outcomes after discussion & possible voting. We are a club! This meeting is your chance to be involved in planning next season, so please try to attend! Thanks!
Sat 10/26 practice
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