Open practice today. Avon: Cloudy til 1, then partly cloudy/sunny chance of isolated rain 1-2. Then partly cloudy/sunny til 5. Arrive early for best chance of max track time. Track dry now & we can dry if…
Open Practice July 4th
Open practice tomorrow, July 4th. Karts & bikes welcome. 9 gate, 10 engines.
Rainout today, 6/23
Thunderstorms a bit later & no time to dry out. So sorry. Reverse next Sunday, consider Sat practice if haven’t done before
Rainout today 6/9
Sorry, may have some clearing from 10-1 at E Avon, but track is pooling badly now & impossible to dry out for racing before showers again. Reminder, next Saturday is a scheduled reserved day for a special…
Sat 5/18
Open today! Storm passed, some pop up drizzle possible, no soaking. Some sites show partial sun in PM. Track already rid of puddles seen last night & drying. Practice open!
Sunday April 28
It does look like we may have some rain midday. If we do not get a chance to get racing in, you may still come up and practice until then.
Some Information
This information was posted on Facebook as well a few days ago. Memberships will be done at the track this year, along with a new membership form. Do not use the form online, and I will try…
Class Entry Form
To get an idea of class sizes, and to give me a head start to get everyone entered for the season, click the link to the Class Entry Form.
2024 GVKC Annual Letter
Clink the link for the full PDF. 2024 GVKC Annual Letter
2023 GVKC Night Race Sat Aug 26
Saturday August 26th we will be hosting another night race! Last year was such a success and so much fun that we are doing it again this year! Drivers should be pre-registering at https://bit.ly/2023NightRace Payment will still…