Some Information
This information was posted on Facebook as well a few days ago. Memberships will be done at the track this year, along with a new membership form. Do not use the form online, and I will try and get that replaced. Just a reminder for minors/parents must fill out the Parental Consent Form during your first visit to the track (whether you are a driver or not). New Kid Karter’s that have not raced with us please plan on bringing your birth certificate for age verification. Fees will be changing, but yet to be released, along with the new rulebook and some changes in there. We do not have concessions going, so please plan accordingly. No open flame grills are allowed in the pit area, which is anywhere beyond the gate! I apologize for delayed information. Please be on the lookout soon for more information on this season. If you have not signed up for Mailchimp off our website, I recommend you do and just enter your email address. Then you will receive important information as it comes in.
Class Entry Form
Sunday April 28
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