Night Race & other updates:
All systems go for night race this Sat 7/10/24. We have approval from the town to open earlier at 9AM, engines at 10 for practice. Bikes may be practicing also, separately from karts of course. Those of you who haven’t seen these guys on a Saturday will enjoy. They race elsewhere & use our track for practice. Families too, they fit right in with our unique approach to teaching others so you’ll see a wide range of racing bikes trailered in.
Racing karts may want to be there by 1PM. We’ll have practice runs & set up a time for heats to start. After heats a break for dinners if you bring or go for takeout. Night Final feature at 9PM just after dark.
Pitting in usual areas: reserved pavement areas & back area. Not in front since NKA requires fenced separation of pit activities & areas where spectators might be. Since we expect many participants, please take up as little space as possible so everybody can fit in.
Spectators permitted in the pavilion, the newly raised fence area in front of first bleacher, but not the 2nd bleacher or anywhere beyond for their own safety. Overnight camping is permitted Sat night in the front area. (not pit activities) & bathrooms will be kept opened. The premises will have a track official spending the night if you need assistance. The area of our leach field has been indicated by barrels so as not to be damaged by vehicles.
Please be sure to bring you own lighting for pit areas. For their own protection at night, we ask that parents keep a very close eye on their family. Kids playing together away from family should be monitored by an assigned adult please. No playing in grid area, inside scale house or near the stop line at race exit. If anyone needs needs assistance from the tower, we ask that they ask a track official who will radio our scoring team.
Parents please remember not to go on track to assist children under any circumstances during any race. We have highly qualified paramedics as part of our team now who will respond immediately in case of an accident. One has voluntarily stationed herself on track, top of the Monza as paramedic/flagger, plus another flagger. Parents please stand by just outside track fence & they will advise you as soon as possible. If off-track excursion or breakdown, children should stay with their karts & track officials will assist. We have new more reliable communications for instantaneous coordination of these events.
Thanks again for separating trash from cans/bottles in labeled barrels. Tremendous response! We’d like to move towards a bring in, take out approach which will keep our trash bill to a minimum & free up those funds for track repairs. We’ve said it before this year & will say again- what comes in that ticket window goes back to the track, safety & repairs priority.
We’ve twice met with a rep from UPM, a nation wide pavement repair company known for quality long lasting products. Many professional racetracks use their system. We’re experimenting & getting driver opinions on different UPM materials in off-line areas of the track & will advise all drivers when we move to on-line areas.
See you at our annual night race!
Open Practice July 4th
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