Yamaha Series Race 1
May 29, 2023
This Sunday, June 4th, will be race 1 out of 5 for our Yamaha Series! The more racers that attend, the bigger the payout at the end!! We count the best 4 out of 5 races. You do not have to be a GVKC member to attend. Entry fee is $50 for GVKC members, and $60 for non-member. If you do not have your own transponder they are $10 to rent one. A portion of those entry fees goes towards paying out the top 5! Trophies will also be awarded. Weight – 325lbs for 4hole can engines, 380lbs for tuned pipe. Tires – MG Red or MoJo D2 (D2 will be available at the track) 4.5 front, 7.1 rear. Age – 15+ If you have any questions in the meantime you may reach out to John Salsbury 585-three one four-5555, or Rick Martell at 315-six seven six-0227.
New Apparel Coming Soon!
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